Monday, October 24, 2011

Hell, I'd wear makeup like this everyday. (Updated)

Get the Marilyn (Rita, Sophia, Elizabeth) look from Daily Candy.

diy screen siren halloween makeup!

I actually tried this makeup, so here's my version. I followed the steps exactly except I used no false lashes (because I'm bad at applying them), I used Benefit Cosmetics Lip Plump on my lips instead of concealer, and I drew the mole just outside the laugh line instead of inside because I really do have a beauty mark there. The lighting is a little weird, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

mudderbear said...

It's a good picture for study. really do have straight lines..the eyebrows, eyes, and forehead, the mouth....very oval face. I'd say #4 for sure.

It's fun seeing all the fun things you do on your blogs. I'm glad you're being busy with them now.